Latimer as part of Clarion Housing Group (Clarion), needs to process personal data in order to deliver our services to you as applicable:
• To provide development and the sales of private properties.
• To deliver on our Group ambition to ‘transform lives and communities’
We are committed to treating your information securely, with respect and in line with data protection legislation.
This privacy notice tells you what to expect when Latimer processes your personal information. It applies to information about any individuals who have dealings with Latimer.
This is the main privacy notice for Latimer. If you go on to receive any other services from the Clarion Housing Group, you will be referred to the relevant Clarion Housing Group Privacy Notices which can be found on the Clarion Housing Group website.
It is important for you to read this Notice in full to understand what information we hold about you, how we may use it and your rights in relation to your data. However, we have also produced a summary version explaining why ‘Privacy Matters at Latimer (PDF)’.
Clarion Housing Group includes a number of subsidiary organisations such as Grange, Centra and Clarion Futures.
We keep our privacy notice under regular review and we will place any updates on our websites. If you would like to receive a hard copy of our current privacy notice, please let us know.
For further information you can contact the Data Protection Officer as follows:
The Data Protection Officer
Clarion Housing Group Ltd
Level 6, 6 More London Place
Tooley Street
London SE1 2DA
For independent advice about data protection, privacy, e-privacy and data sharing issues, you can contact the Information Commissioner. (Lots of useful information is accessible on their website):
Information Commissioner,
Wycliffe House, Water Lane,
Cheshire SK9 5AF
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